Outfit inspiration: Mr. Grey can see you now

Vandaag is het D-day dames! Ik denk dat velen onder jullie halsreikend uitgekeken hebben naar de release van de Fifty Shades of Grey film? En de verwachtingen zijn hoog! Ook bij mij! Vanavond ga ik kijken en laat jullie uiteraard weten wat ik ervan vond. Staat de film bij jullie al op de planning? Om jullie volledig in Grey mood te brengen, geef ik jullie nog wat inspiratie voor een grijsgetinte outfit. Omdat grijs allesbehalve saai is ;-) Benieuwd wat jullie ervan vinden én wat jullie vinden van de film. Laat het me zeker weten!

Ladies, today is D-day! I suppose that a lot of you couldn't wait to see the Fifty Shades of Grey movie? And you have very high expectations! So have I! Tonight I'll watch the movie and of course I'll let you know if I liked it or not. Will you watch this brand new movie? To provide you some extra Grey moods, I'll give you some inspiration for a grey influenced outfit. Because grey isn't boring at all! I'm curious to know if you like it or not! And if you like the movie of course. Let me know!

Blazer: American Vintage (find it here)
Shirt: ONLY (find it here)
Pants: Guess (find it here)
Shoes: Steve Madden (find it here)
Earrings: SNÖ of Sweden (find it here)
Watch: S.Oliver (find it here)
Handbag: Guess (find it here)
Nail polish: ProNails - Greyt foundation (find it here)

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Account Executive in marketing and advertising - Social Media Consultant - Color and Style Consultant | Interested in: fashion marketing, new trends, must haves and must visits in fashion | Addicted to: shoes - fashion magazines - the social media apps on my phone - discovering new places in the world - a lovely dinner in the weekend

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