A walk in the park

Nu de nazomer er definitief op zit voor dit jaar blik ik graag eens terug op het betere weer van de afgelopen weken en 1 van mijn outfits. Het park van Heule bood me tijdens de voorbije maand ook het ideale herfstdecor.

As the last rays of sun are behind us it's time to look back and think about the better weather of the last few weeks, and 1 of my outfits. The park of Heule gave me the perfect autumn scene this past month.

Dress: L&L
Belt: L&L
Shoes: Nicky Vankets
Bag: H&M
Watch: Guess


Account Executive in marketing and advertising - Social Media Consultant - Color and Style Consultant | Interested in: fashion marketing, new trends, must haves and must visits in fashion | Addicted to: shoes - fashion magazines - the social media apps on my phone - discovering new places in the world - a lovely dinner in the weekend

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